Business Plan Development


Our team is able to develop and implement business plans, from concept into the definition and implementation of strategic actions. These works involve the following:

  • Business characterization: part that involves defining (or redefining) the focus of activity of the company (core business), market research, identification of market evolution, cultural evolution, definition of primary and secondary objectives, identification of the key factors success, critical environmental variables and the relationship between them.
  • Strategic analysis: Identification and analysis of market forces, Benchmarking of competition, identification of active strategic groups in the markets, identification of entrants and substitutes, market potential identification of trends in the segment, analysis and definition of force-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT).
  • Strategic formulation: analysis and identification of competitive arrays (ANSOFF and Porter), the demand curve, the life cycles of products, the BCG matter, the experience curve, identifying the perceived value analysis, and strategic guidelines.
  • Strategic Action Plan: Identification of the success of key processes, establishment of action plan with timelines and estimates of costs and investments, and the definition of performance indicators and targets.
  • Strategic Budget: Analysis and definition of profit margins, revenue estimates of expected cash flows, current and ideal financial cycle, return the definition of investment and turnaround time, and the balance point.

If you are interested in developing a business plan for a new venture or want to upgrade your current business plan please contact our staff by e-mail.

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